Friday 27 July 2012

Baby Blanket

Here is another blanket I just finished. I live doing these round patterns, they seem to take no time at all.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Hats hats!

Thanks to Knotty Knotty Crochet (see link to the right) I've been busy with these super cute sock monkey and owl hats. I did change the pattern slightly for the first 4-5 rows because I couldn't get the top of the hats to lie flat but I think it's only because I'm a really tight crocheter. I think they turned out pretty good!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Baby hats

I've also been trying out some little baby caps. It's a little big but he sure is a cutie!!

Baby Blankets

So lately I've had a lot of babies on the way around me. I've been on a bit of a blanket binge......